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A Good Reason To Use Social Media For Marketing Your On Line Business

Anyone who runs an on line business should realise the importance of marketing. Marketing is essential to promote your business services and products but it can become quite expensive to pay for things like banner ads, SEO services and payed for traffic. An inexpensive solution would be to use social media platforms to boost your business profile and engage with potential customers.

Social media websites attract a vast amount of people on a daily basis, in fact, the number of worldwide users is expected to reach approximately 2.5 billion by 2018, around a third of Earth’s entire population. Social media includes everything from blogs, forums and chatrooms and of course social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

If you’re reluctant to use social media in your marketing plan just think about this:

Facebook statistics (source – Facebook Newsroom )

1.01 billion daily active users on average for September 2015

894 million mobile daily active users on average for September 2015

1.55 billion monthly active users as of September 30, 2015

1.39 billion mobile monthly active users as of September 30, 2015

Approximately 83.5% of our daily active users are outside the US and Canada

Thats A LOT of potential customers from around the globe that you can market and sell to.
Photo courtesy of KROMKRATHOG @

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